The Simply Strategy Blog

Now What? Getting More Out of Your Program Evaluation Data

Written by Simply Strategy | Nov 15, 2023 9:40:03 PM

"Research seeks to prove; evaluation seeks to improve." - Michael Quinn Patton, Founder and Director of Utilization-Focused Evaluation

In a world increasingly driven by data, program evaluation is an indispensable tool for every organization in the health and well-being sector. Yet, for many, evaluations are often regarded as a mere box to tick for funders. Designed with compliance in mind, these evaluations do provide essential insights into program effectiveness and offer the kind of return on investment metrics that can secure current and future funding. However, since these evaluations are usually obligatory, it's time to go beyond the basics. By expanding our horizons, organizations will soon realize that the data gathered during program evaluation is a goldmine of insights. These insights can not only drive strategic decisions but also enhance program quality and, ultimately, help change lives for the better.

Why Evaluation Matters: Beyond Funding Requirements

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, evaluation is "a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using data to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and, as importantly, to contribute to continuous program improvement." While evaluation is an essential requirement of receiving funding dollars, it also allows organizations to identify what is working best, how to sustain it, and how to make continuous improvements throughout the lifecycle of the project or program. 

To fully optimize the data that is collected from a program evaluation, organizations must carefully plan their evaluation before the program begins - including what data they will collect, how it will be analyzed for program improvement, and plans for reporting to demonstrate effectiveness for future funding potential. No evaluation can capture everything, so planning will ensure organizations have the data they need to both comply with funding requirements and capitalize on insights within the results. 

Assessing Community Needs & Building Community Capacity

For a program or project to be truly effective and make measurable, equitable, and sustainable change, having community buy-in and engagement is essential. From a program evaluation standpoint, this means engaging with the community from the program planning phase, building in touchpoints to increase engagement, and garnering feedback. This ensures that you're collecting the right data and allows for technical assistance and learning opportunities to be customized to the community's specific needs. It adds a layer of transparency and accountability that bolsters the program's credibility and increases its impact. 

Often, evaluation data reveals trends or issues that require a community-based approach to tackle. For instance, if a healthcare initiative targeted at reducing obesity shows limited success, the data may indicate that larger environmental factors - like lack of access to healthy foods or safe places to exercise - need to be addressed. Evaluation data can help develop Community Needs Assessments and Action Plans, as the data can reveal gaps, needs, and opportunities for course correction in program implementation.

Next Steps for the Program

Program evaluation serves as a guide for quality improvement in future iterations of your program. It offers a comprehensive look at what interventions were actually implemented, their outcomes, and the extent to which these interventions impacted these outcomes. Take, for instance, an anti-smoking campaign: if the data shows that the program was highly effective for adults over 30 but not as effective for younger individuals, it helps pinpoint where to focus improvements. It's not just about knowing what worked; it's also about understanding the nuances behind the outcomes. This allows for much more targeted and effective quality improvement strategies.

Comparing Project Outcomes Over Time

Longitudinal data gathered through evaluations can reveal both emerging and established trends, giving you a year-over-year comparison. Did the new educational module you added to your mental health program last year result in better coping skills among participants? Are the rates of engagement and participation rising? This data is invaluable for internal assessments and is equally compelling for stakeholder meetings and grant applications. It helps you adjust your sails as you navigate the project's journey, allowing you to be both responsive and proactive.

Justifying Funding

One of the most direct utilities of robust evaluation data is its capacity to justify continued project funding. Sound data shows not only the successes but also highlights the areas requiring further investment. This creates a transparent feedback loop between you and your funders or stakeholders. Continuous reporting and open dialogue help align the program's goals with funder expectations, further strengthening the case for current and future funding opportunities. Essentially, good data can turn into good money.

Budgeting and Long-Term Planning

Budget and planning are the backbone of any project, and solid, outcome-based data is the map that helps you chart the course. Evaluation findings can help organizations prioritize which interventions to keep, modify, or scrap altogether based on their return on investment (ROI). This data-driven approach enables more strategic long-term planning, ensuring that resources are allocated where they have the most meaningful impact.

Identifying Training and Technical Assistance Needs

Evaluation data can be a valuable diagnostic tool. Suppose particular interventions are consistently falling short of objectives. In that case, the evaluation data can identify whether the gap is due to staff training, outdated technology, or perhaps the need for technical assistance. This allows organizations to tailor their training programs and technical upgrades to areas where they are most needed based on actual performance metrics.

Promoting the Program

Your program evaluation can also serve as a powerful promotional tool. Creative presentation of your findings through visual methods like infographics or storytelling using qualitative data can capture attention in stakeholder meetings and public forums. As we've noted in previous blogs, human stories add depth and context to numerical data that can be incredibly compelling. By publicizing these successes, you not only validate the work that has been done but also attract more participants and even potential funders to your cause.

Beyond Quantitative Solutions: The Power of a Mixed-Methods Approach in Evaluation 

"Data will talk if you're willing to listen." - Jim Bergeson

During program evaluation, numbers and statistics often take center stage. They're crucial for measuring outcomes and providing tangible proof of a program's success or areas for improvement. But what if we could enrich these numerical insights with the lived experiences of participants, adding a layer of depth that statistics alone can't provide? A mixed-methods approach to evaluation that combines quantitative data with qualitative insights means understanding: 

What Kind of Impact the Program Components Have Outside of the Numbers

Adding qualitative methods gives you the ability to see beyond the raw metrics. For instance, while quantitative data may show a high number of program participants, qualitative interviews could reveal how the program has enhanced their emotional well-being or improved family relationships.

Why They Continued to Participate in the Program

Qualitative methods can shed light on program retention rates by uncovering the reasons behind continued participation. Perhaps a sense of community or unique educational content keeps people engaged beyond the initial stages.

Uncover Drivers of Behavior Change

While quantitative data can show that a change has occurred – say, reduced hospital readmissions – qualitative data can help you understand what drove that change. Was it a particular educational module or maybe a support group that made the difference?  Qualitative data can capture personal experiences and attitudes that lead to behavior change and how the program may have influenced newfound motivations and attitudes that helped them take this step.

Offset Potential Weaknesses in Using Quant/Qual Data Alone

Each data collection method has its limitations. Quantitative methods are great for statistical analysis but can miss the human element, while qualitative methods offer rich detail but lack numerical precision. Using them in tandem creates a more robust and comprehensive evaluation.

Mixed Methods Provide a More Holistic Understanding of the Intervention/Program

By using a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods, you get a more complete view of your program's impact. This holistic approach ensures that you're not missing key insights that could be crucial for program improvement and advocacy.

Conclusion: Why All of This Matters

Evaluation data is more than just numbers and checkboxes; it's the story of your program's impact, its trials and triumphs, and its areas for growth. By utilizing evaluation data in a multifaceted way, you're not just fulfilling a requirement but also extending the reach and impact of your programs, making every dollar count, and, most importantly, better serving the communities that rely on you.

"Hiding within those mounds of data is the knowledge that could change the life of a patient or change the world." - Atul Butte, Chief Data Scientist, University of California Health System 

So, when you look at your next evaluation report, think beyond the charts and percentages. Consider what narrative is unfolding through these metrics and how you can leverage this narrative to enhance the effectiveness of the program and deepen its impact within the community.