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Driving Business Growth: Translating Data into a Deeper Understanding of the Healthcare Consumer

Written by Simply Strategy | May 22, 2023 3:00:00 PM

The healthcare industry is undergoing rapid change and transformation, fueled by advancements in technology, evolving consumer expectations, and a more complex regulatory environment. Add to this the global pandemic's far-reaching impact on the healthcare industry, consumers, and consumer attitudes, and it’s a difficult puzzle to piece together. In this dynamic landscape, it's essential for you, as a healthcare insights professional, to truly understand healthcare consumers to drive business growth.

Swift responses to emerging challenges and opportunities are crucial in the healthcare industry; there's no room for delay between uncovering root causes and contextualizing them for meaningful action. To stay competitive, organizations must move quickly from action to implementation, adapting healthcare marketing strategies and initiatives in real time.

But bombarding existing consumers with questions isn't the solution to this intricate insights puzzle. What's needed is a strategic balance between quick action and thoughtful consideration of the problem at hand. This approach allows for the design and execution of appropriate studies, ultimately translating insights into meaningful change for your organization.

For healthcare research professionals, it’s critical to delve into the data to uncover the bigger "WHY" behind consumer behaviors and attitudes while aligning research with business goals and KPIs for maximum impact. Adding value to the organization is contingent upon Identifying key research questions that address company objectives and designing research methodologies to provide the most valuable insights.

In addition to tackling issues like member acquisition, retention, addressing non-compliant behaviors, incentivizing desired behaviors, and conducting frequent pulse studies to monitor membership health, insights professionals must also:

  1.       Balance cross-department requests
  2.       Manage resources effectively
  3.       Navigate innovations in research methodologies and technologies
  4.       Understand emerging AI and new survey data
  5.       Stay up to date with MarTech and ResTech trends

By successfully navigating these complex demands and the high-velocity nature of the healthcare industry, the organization will gain a deeper understanding of healthcare consumers.

But who has the time? With so many competing demands, insights professionals are stretched to breaking point.

Time is a precious commodity, resources are limited, and there are only so many hours in a day. That's why insights professionals in the healthcare industry need to partner with expert researchers and consultants to effectively navigate this challenging landscape for maximum business impact.

Navigating Research Methodologies and Technologies

Consumer Insights Managers or Directors face constant challenges in juggling numerous research requests, many of which emerge unexpectedly to address pressing business concerns. 

One significant challenge is sifting through numerous requests and refining them into organized and manageable projects, overlapping and combining requests where possible to make the best use of limited resources. This can be a daunting task.

Moreover, staying up to date with MarTech and ResTech trends is crucial to guarantee the implementation of best practices. Keeping pace with the latest innovations and developments in research and marketing technology can be difficult due to the ever-changing nature of the industry and the constant quick-turn demands.

As an insights professional, maintaining a big-picture perspective is key while evaluating the right approach to problems and ensuring that research methodologies align with the unique needs of the healthcare industry. This complex task often requires assistance from experienced professionals well-versed in the healthcare landscape who can provide valuable consultation.

By partnering with research firms committed to keeping up to date with emerging research methodologies and technological advancements, insights leaders can enhance the ability to identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities without overstretching their teams in terms of time and resources. This approach ultimately helps drive business growth and enables informed, considered decision-making in the healthcare sector.

Working with Healthcare Consultants and Expert Industry Strategists vs. Research Partners and Vendors

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, there's no room for a significant delay. The difference between working with healthcare consultants and expert industry strategists compared to traditional research partners and vendors is the ability to turn data into actionable insights quickly and efficiently.

Expert healthcare-industry specialists offer a distinct advantage by providing a more consultative approach. They employ market research experts to offer insights but are adept at implementing those insights across projects, ensuring that the research informs programs and drives the organization’s mission forward. Collaboration with these experts can significantly benefit an organization by tapping into their deep understanding of the healthcare landscape.

Traditional research might deliver facts. But which of those facts are actually insights?

Traditional market research often focuses on delivering facts, which may not provide the necessary context for understanding the larger healthcare picture. The key to moving from facts to actionable insights lies in connecting research results to key questions and business objectives, sometimes uncovering new questions or previously hidden root causes. Healthcare consultants and expert industry strategists excel at identifying these opportunities, enabling the organization to respond quickly and effectively to emerging challenges and opportunities.

An essential aspect of the insights professional's role is translating data for stakeholders who may not understand research data. To do this, use powerful visuals, clear headlines, and arresting messages. Healthcare consultants and expert industry strategists can help create these compelling, easy-to-understand insights, providing the confidence needed to make bold moves or nuanced refinements to the business.

That's the power of partnering with a qualitative research consultant who understands the healthcare landscape. It leads to better decision-making and strategy, ensuring that the organization is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the industry.

Ensuring data clarity and delivering meaningful, visually engaging reports is essential for translating insights into action. Actionable insights live in the context of the current healthcare landscape, and understanding this context is crucial for making informed decisions. By working with healthcare consultants and expert industry strategists, organizations can take full advantage of the wealth of knowledge and experience they bring to the table, ultimately building a brighter healthcare horizon.


Overcoming challenges and frustrations and addressing time constraints and budget limitations are all part of the Consumer Insights Manager's and Director's journey. To effectively engage internal stakeholders, capture their attention and provide a detailed, actionable roadmap for driving business growth.

As experienced researchers and consultants focused on health and well-being, we bring evidence-driven guidance to help clients deliver better outcomes.

By partnering with a primary research consultant that understands the healthcare landscape, you can enhance your decision-making and strategy, ultimately driving business growth based on a deeper understanding of the healthcare consumer. Together, with the right support and expertise, we can create a stronger healthcare industry and a better healthcare experience for all.